Write for Content Clerks

We are constantly looking for people who are interested in sharing their ideas with our audience. We strive to maintain very high-quality articles published on our blog and guest posts are not any different.

We are accepting articles in the following categories- Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Email Marketing, Lead Generation, B2B & B2C marketing or any other category related to these spaces.

All submissions must:

1. Be original. We will verify this with a plagiarism checker.
2. Be between 1000-1500 words long.
3. Back all numbers and strong assertions with credible sources. Provide links for all such sources.
4. Not be promoting any brand. You can, however, add links to your website or social media in your bio.

If you feel your idea is good enough and meets our criteria, feel free to pitch us at wilfred@contentclerks.co

-The subject line should be “Guest post pitch to Content Clerks”
-Who you are and your company name
-At least 2-3 links to your previously published articles
-2-3 topics suggestion which you would like to cover
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