A graphic illustration of people working on their laptops: life coaching topics

Life Coaching Topics

Here's what we'll cover

Often a lot of people ask themselves what exactly is life coaching? Therefore, to answer your question, it is a developmental approach to helping people make progress in their lives and achieve greater fulfilment. Life coaching topics are essentially used to understand what aspect of life your potential clientele seeks useful advice. Moreover, you can use them to help people in many different aspects of their lives.

An essential element to have when selecting the topics is to use keyword research to find popular keywords related to life coaching so you can write blog posts that are relevant and helpful. These tools and blog writing services help you come up with great content. Additionally, customer surveys are a great way to get ideas for blog posts. Asking your customers what they want to read about will give you insight into potential blog post topics. Finally, optimize your blog posts for SEO by doing on-page optimization such as title, meta description, and keyword optimization.

Different Blog Posts Types For Your Life Coaching Blog

There are many different ways to go about with the blog post types. Here are a few tips;

Your Story

The most potent post a life coach can write. It allows you to build a connection with people and show your authenticity.

Best practices

Honesty and authenticity are what the majority of people will relate to. Avoid coming across as boastful or self-centred.

Examples of  “Your Story” posts:

  • Self-care routine changed my life.
  • Balancing my life between work and leisure.
  • Rest is essential to me.
  • My journaling story.
  • My bittersweet journey with growth.
  • Maximizing my fullest potential.

Your clients’ stories

Showcase your client’s extraordinary transformations. These transformations will help increase confidence in potential clients that you can help them too. These posts are also great for social media, as people love seeing the results of the life coaching topics they seek information on.

Best practices

Share valuable resources with your readers. Giving them the motivation to realize that too can be their story.

Examples of Your clients’ stories;

  • Interview testimonials.
  • Social Media testimonials.
  • Quote testimonials.
  • Video testimonials.
  • Audio testimonials.
  • Image testimonials.

The “How-To” post

These posts are instructional and show the reader how to do something related to the topics. 

Best practices

They should be easy to follow and understand, with a clear call to action at the end.

Examples of  “How-To” posts for life coaching topics:

  • How to hire a life coach
  • How to create realistic and achievable goals
  • Creating a balanced life
  • How to manage a busy schedule
  • Recognizing positive people in your life
  • How to get out of life
A graphic illustration of people working on their laptops: life coaching topics

The “Why” post

In a “why” post, you explore the reasons behind something related to a life coaching topic. For example, you could write about why it’s essential to set goals or why journaling is beneficial for personal growth.

Best practices

Share and explore as much information as you can for your readers to consume your content efficiently.

Examples of  “Why” posts:

  • Why is it essential to maintain a balanced life?
  • Why should you hire a life coach?
  • Reasons you should create time for self-care
  • Why is a journal beneficial for personal growth?
  • Reasons you should get out of your comfort zone
  • Why rest is important

The resource post

A great way to show that you are an expert in your field is to share valuable resources with your readers. In fact, it could be anything from books and articles to websites and podcasts that give clear insights into topics.

Best Practices

Sharing helpful resources with your readers shows that you are not a stuck-up individual but open to learning and receiving information.

Examples of resource posts:

  • Growth vs Comfort Zone.
  • Eight healthy tips for balancing your life.
  • Achieving your most significant goals.
  • Difference between laziness and being worn out.
  • Health benefits of a self-care routine.

Interview Other Life Coaches

A great way to get exposure and learn from other coaches in the industry. It Creates a learning experience for everyone present during the interview, improving their perspective on different things.

Best practices

Highlight meaningful goals during the interview. Engage and involve audience participation during the event.

Examples of Interview blog posts:

  • What advice would you give a person feeling burnt out?
  • How do you improve your skill?
  • Why did you choose life coaching?
  • What challenges do you face within the industry?
  • How long have you been a life coach?

Why Is Blogging Important For Life Coaches? 

Blogging can help establish you as an expert in your field, attracting more clients. Therefore, select life coaching topics that are captivating and appealing to allow you to connect with your audience and build relationships. It also improves your website ranking on search engine pages.

Blogging is essential for your business because it also breeds awareness of how well your blog posts are ranking online. It is an excellent way to gauge what content is working/not working for your business.

Why Make Blogging Your Content Marketing Strategy? 

Having a blog will show your potential clients that you are credible and trustworthy. It is very effective and pocket-friendly compared to other forms of marketing.  Blogging is essential for life coaches because it also allows you to share your story and the stories of others, which can inspire others to make positive changes in their lives. 

Difficulties Life Coaches May Experience With Blogging

A life coach may experience difficulty with blogging is that they are not reaching their targeted audience. Furthermore, it is essential to research and see where your target market “hangs out” online. Moreover, identifying the popular life coaching topics can be very competitive.

Another difficulty a life coach may experience is that they are blogging but not seeing any results or conversions. For various reasons, the content isn’t interesting, valuable, or engaging enough, the frequency of blog posts isn’t consistent, or you’re not promoting your blog content on social media platforms. Remember that organic reach on social media platforms isn’t what it used to be, so you need to put in some effort to get your content in front of potential clients.

A graphic illustration of people watching a lesson: life coaching topics

Finding Life Coaching Blog Topics 

Writing about life coaching topics that people are looking for is an excellent approach to creating brand awareness and letting people know about your life coaching services. In fact, here are some ways to go about it;

Google Trends is a great way to see what life coaching topics have the highest search in your industry. In fact, you can use the keyword research tool to find popular keywords related to life coaching.

Use People Also Ask 

The “People Also Ask” section on Google can give you some great ideas for blog posts. These are questions people are searching for, so you know they’ll be interested in reading your answer.

Conduct competitor research 

See what topics your competitors are blogging about and try to find something different or better. This allows you to stand out from the crowd and attract more readers.

Use content tools 

Content tools like Quora, Answer the Public, and BuzzSumo can help you find famous life coaching topics in your industry. Consequently, they’re great for getting ideas for blog posts that will be popular with your audience.

Write easy-to-read blog posts

A great way to improve your blog and attract more readers is to present them with reliable and easy to read content on your blog posts.

Conduct customer surveys 

Asking your customers what they want to read about is a great way to get ideas for blog posts. In fact, you can send out a survey using; SurveyMonkey or Google Forms.

Looking through online forums 

Online forums are a great place to see what people are talking about in your industry. Therefore, search on Google or social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter to find relevant discussions.

Write captivating headlines

Draw attention to your blog post, stir curiosity, and urge them to click and know more about your blog post by having captivating headlines.

How To Make Blogging Work For You 

Blogging can be a great way to attract more clients and grow your business. But only if you do it right. Blogging takes time and effort. Therefore, you need to be consistent if you want to see results.  Follow these tips to make sure your blog is successful;

Write about life coaching topics that people are looking for

Use keyword research to find popular keywords related to life coaching. You can use tools like Google Trends, People Also Ask, and BuzzSumo to find ideas for blog posts.

Look into search intent

When writing a blog post, always keep in mind what the reader is looking for. Make sure your answer is relevant and helpful to the particular topic.

Look through your competitor’s best-performing topics

Seeing what life coaching topics your competitors have covered to find any gaps that you can address is a good strategy. Thereafter, develop something different or better to attract more readers to your blog. 

Optimize your blog posts for SEO

Make sure to do on-page SEO for your blog posts. It includes optimizing your title, meta description, and keywords. You can also use external sources like Google Search Console to help improve your ranking.

Final Take!

So there you have it! Blogging takes time and effort, especially when creating and planning your life coaching topics. Not to worry, though. It will be worth it if you’re consistent. Therefore, I hope this article will help you understand the importance of blogging as a life coach and give you helpful tips to ensure your blog is successful. What are you waiting for? Start blogging today! 

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