Types of Content Writers-A computer keyboard with the words content writer engraved on it.

Types of content writers

Here's what we'll cover

Recently, marketing has been so competitive that you can easily be shown the way out if you don’t have an online presence. It also takes a lot of time, skills, and resources to build this online presence through the use of effective content marketing Ideas. As you begin boosting your efforts to have a steady team of specialists who help you spread the word about your business online, you’ll realize that these people are much different, and they don’t serve the same purpose. With that in mind, we’ve come up with a list of 10 types of content writers to help you choose the one who might serve your needs the best.

Let’s look at them one by one and get to know what each does.

Blog Writer

Opening our list is a blog writer. These people are always unique and can turn even the most unique and boring topics into warm conversations. They are devoted to coming up with engaging content that performs well and influences the highest clicks all through.

They are skilled content hunters and can source data points that strengthen blog content. If they don’t understand particular keywords or topics, they are much aware that content can’t be faked, so they sought the help of subject-matter experts for advice and support.

Being that published blog posts are ultimate pages on a website, blog writers also possess certain SEO skills.

Blog writers often handle bulk articles, blog posts, interviews and research.

Brand Journalist

Brand journalists are naturally born to be storytellers, and they don’t take any rest until they find their stories. They are more extroverts and like to feed off the energy of their interview subjects. They will reach out through cold emails and still follow up through phone calls and any other means to make sure that their stories go through.

These people usually make excellent brand ambassadors. Whether it’s a press release or a customer-related story, they will display your products in a very positive way. They know the fragility of a product’s reputation, so they have to regularly fact-check before they send anything to the public.

Brand journalists are also very good at composing long-form content and human interest articles that are pitched to third parties for media or publications. A brand journalist can handle very many forms of writing, like brand stories, interviews, customer stories, and company bios.

Email Marketing Writer

Email marketing, if you don’t know is one of the most effective types of marketing you should go for right now. It requires a very small investment with very high earning potentials. Averagely, you can get more than $40 for every $1 spent on effective email marketing, and that was back in 2016, as of now, it’s even more.

A talented and experienced email marketer is one of the mostly sought after types of content writers as we speak. They have the potential to provide the best ROI for almost any kind of business.

Email marketing has even been made more cheap by the development of email softwares like MailChimp, which lets you send hundreds of emails at a time.

But remember the email content that you send doesn’t write itself— Here is where an email writer comes in. You need an experienced email writer to compose the email so that you can get as many conversions as possible.

Email marketing writers handle from newsletters to drip campaigns to transactional emails and much more.

Technical Writer

Freelance market is often full of employers looking for technical writers;these people are in high demand. They will reproduce high technical concepts to make them cheaper for the average reader to understand.

A professional technical writer should have a high level of knowledge about the topic. They should lay a lot of emphasis on the details and translate complex concepts into easily digestible content that almost everyone can read and grasp a point or two.

Most of the time, technical writers are confused with tech writers.’ Tech’ is just a short form of technology. So tech writers write mostly about technology and new scientific trends while technical writers write about intricate concepts which they digest according to the reader’s ability.

Technical writers can handle how-tos, guides, instructions, manuals and many more.


The name might suggest something unheard of, but that’s not the case. Ghostwriters are hired by companies to create content on their behalf to help them save time. So they are just like thin air, they are invisible to the public, but they are known to exist.

These people are helpful for businesses who want to keep time but still uphold their reputation by being credited for producing top quality content under their names. Ghostwriters are all over the internet, but the problem is finding one who understands your brand and can create content that goes with your brand’s voice. Most of them specialise in particular topics, and it’s not easy to find one who will adapt to your brand’s needs easily.

An all-round ghostwriter should be able to handle articles, ebooks, white papers and off-page content.

Social media content writer

Social media writers were not so much sought of, but they have gained popularity and their demand is increasing with each passing year. With advancements in technology and rise of social media use, having a blog alone is not enough to connect with your customers and still influence potential ones.

According to statistics, more than 3.6 billion people from all spheres of the world have access to social media, and this number is expected to hit 4 billion come 2025. Facebook is the most popular social platform with more than 2.5 billion users each month. It’s followed closely by Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Reddit.

This shows you that it’s time to tap into the massive pool of social media users. However, social media writing requires some level of creativity that would stand out from the crowd with its content. This is why most brands sought the help of social media writers. When looking for these writers, always go for one who is dynamic, creative and can think outside the box.

These individuals can handle social media posts, quizzes, interactive content and much more.


A scriptwriter is a key player in multimedia projects. They offer great creativity and storytelling expertise and stay aligned with the messaging strategy. Scriptwriters try to foresee how words on a page will eventually translate to richer formats like videos and podcasts.

For explainer videos, like most YouTube videos nowadays, they try to match fast moving graphics with concise one-liners about product features and benefits.

For story videos meant to lure customers, they ask certain interview questions that draws out impactful brand experience. Knowing a good scriptwriter is very cheap, they understand the picture of your content vision from day one.

They can handle the best video scripts, podcast scripts and chatbots.

Advertisement and promotion writers

An ad and promo writer knows how to take advantage of prime real estate with any form of content they create for publication. These types of content writers know how to create powerful messages very quickly within character count limits. The call-to-action button is often in front or center and most part of the article to help in driving awareness and most importantly conversions.

Good ad and promo writers are often performance-driven. A landing page is mostly their point of reference and the message they create revolves around persuading the reader to press the call-to-action button which results to a captured lead for sales. The way in which these articles are always written might leave you wondering because a promo writer tends to know your goals in his/her piece even before you read it.

They are best in advertising copies, direct mail copies, landing pages, product descriptions and much more.


 Copywriting is arguably one of the most interesting jobs. However, it’s so demanding and requires writers to be very creative. Copywriters are often mistaken for professional article writers. While they can also be article writers, copywriters usually write with a sales approach in mind.

Copywriters need to be constantly inspired to enhance creativity in order to deliver unique and engaging content. If you are looking for someone to compose short advertisement materials for your brand, copywriters are the best solution.

Copywriting is a vast field and these writers can handle the jingles that you usually hear on the various digital platforms.

Report Writers

Report writing is another type of content writing that’s interesting and also involving. There are hundreds of companies out there that need properly written reports based on thorough research.

Reports often tend to be very lengthy so writers must be very well conversant with the rules in the game. If there’s any type of writing where deadlines is key then it’s report writing. Reports usually need to be conveyed at specific times so the writer must be able to pay a lot of respect to the deadline.

Report writers also need to constantly study and update themselves regarding the latest trends in the industry.

These individuals mostly handle reflective types of writing.


Content marketing has become so big and complex that without the right specialists, you can never thrive. We hope you found some value going through our list of the types of content writers that we have

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