8 types of blogs that make money in 2020

8 Types of Blogs that Make Money in 2021

Here's what we'll cover

Blogging has become a lucrative field and many people are taking up blogging as a source of income. Have you heard of the top 8 types of blogs that make money in 2021?

Lets take a closer look.

It is every blogger’s dream to make enough money ,to quit their 9-5 job. Manage to pay their bills, and have enough money left over for savings and vacationing.

Sounds like everyone’s dream? Maybe!
Being able to make money off your blog shows that people actually like your content enough to visit your site.

Coming up with a new niche that nobody else is writing about will not guarantee you enough traffic to create money.

That’s not the case.

Unfortunately, blogging does not reward inventors. If you do not write about things that people already care about, you will end up being the only reader for your writing.

So how do you go about it?

Before you quit your 9 to 5 to pursue a topic that you think will interest people, think of what people are already interested in and how you can capitalize on that.

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Let us look at 8 profitable blogging niches in 2020.

  • Personal Finance
  • Health and Wellness
  • How to Make Money
  • Fitness and Weight Loss
  • Dating and Relationships
  • Pets
  • Fashion & Beauty
  • Self-Improvement and Inspirational (Motivational)

Personal Finance

It goes without saying…

Just like you, people want to improve their financial standing, whether it is by making more money, using what they have properly, or investing their income.

Personal finance is such a popular topic, especially during the summer months.
If you know finance and believe you can give useful tips on how you spend your income or how to widen investment portfolios, you can work on becoming an authoritative voice in the personal finance space.

Health And Wellness

This is also a very good niche. Everyone cares about their health and wellness, hence, you can never run out of ideas of what to write.

Health and wellness is generating a lot of interest, making it one of the top blog niches that make you money.

People are becoming really interested in holistic approaches to health and wellness, that cater to spiritual and mental health in addition to physical fitness.

If you have knowledge on matters of mental health, wellness programs like yoga and conscious eating, then this is the niche for you. This definitely one of the types of blogs that make money is 2020.

How to Make Money

The make money niche, especially make money online is one of the types of blogs that make you money.

Every day, people are looking to make money so that they can navigate the tough economic climate successfully. You can talk about different career options that generate a lot of income.

What else can you talk about?

You can also give people workable tips on how to make passive income through methods like investing in stocks, real estate, and even non-traditional methods that work like video gaming and writing (become a blogger about blogging for example)

Fitness And Weight Loss

You can probably tell through all the magazine articles and the growth of fitness influencers on social media that today, more than ever, people want to become fit. The fitness industry is worth $100 billion for a reason.

Yes, you read that right!
Part of that revenue can become yours when you explore this blog niche that makes you money. You can give tips on workouts, different types of diets, or supplements that actually work.

The good thing is;

The health & fitness world is quickly evolving so make sure to keep abreast of the changes.

Dating And Relationships

Not only can you make money from this profitable blogging niche, but you can also have fun with it. You should take an expert approach on your blog, offering sober advice supported by scientific findings.


You can have fun by writing from the point of view of a naive person navigating the tricky world of developing relationships .

It does not matter if you are heterosexual or a member of the LGBTQIA. Dating and relationships is a topic that people will always be interested in. Therefore, making it one of the very profitable blogging niches in 2021.


Do you own a pet?

Human beings have come a long way since the age of keeping cats to eat rats or keeping dogs to guide your homestead.

And you know what is interesting?

The pet industry is worth billions of dollars, with people spending more on their fur babies (including Sphynx cats) than ever before.

This is one of the best type of blogs that make money in 2020 because of all the different aspects you can explore. 

You can become a brand promoter for animal feeds, give recommendations on how to take care of pets’ medical and vet needs, and show people how they can help their pets reach their maximum potential through offering training directions.

You can also start an affiliate website where you can promote anything from a simple tennis ball for a dog to diamond necklaces for Chihuahuas.

Fashion & Beauty

This is an ageless niche that has a very steady audience. Well, you might not become the next Kylie Jenner (you could if you dream big), but you can make it big with your fashion and beauty blog.

However, you can turn your passion into one of the money-making blogs by deciding to explore cheap, good-quality makeup and clothes by raiding dollar stores and thrift shops across the country. 

You could also offer a knowledgeable voice on things like genderless fashion from your local town all the way to Paris Fashion Week. When it comes to fashion and beauty, the world is your oyster.

Self-Improvement and Inspirational (Motivational)

Just because it is last on our blog niche list, they are less popular. The literature on the same is highly popular, making the industry worth $720 million.

So clearly, there is money to be made in the motivational industry. You can take different approaches to get people on their feet and working on their dreams. 

Use your own example (if you are successful) or tell the stories of successful people around you.

In addition you can offer religious motivation or a holistic approach to self-improvement.

Take a look at some of these highly popular self-improvement blogs if you need some ideas.

To Sum, It Up…

I believe that by now you have picked one among the types of blogs that make money in 2021

It is very possible to turn your passion into one of the money-making blogs out there. The best way to do this is by capitalizing on what people are already interested in.

Keeping abreast of changes in the niche and offering workable solutions will establish you as a trusted authority. This way you will grow a blog that has high traffic and this will translate to money.

What types of blogs make the most money?

The top money making blogs are DIY/Craft, Pets, Health and Wellness, Fitness, food, parenting,Travel and sustainable living.

Is blogging profitable in 2020?

Blogging has gone a major evolution. Years back blogging was just for fun. However, the industry has changed and it has become a very profitable online venture.

What blog niches are most profitable?

The list includes; food blogs,personal finance blogs, health blogs, fitness blog and other lifestyle blogs

Which topic is best for blogging?

As long as you find the appropriate niche you can make blogging profitable. Some of the topics that you can consider include; health and fitness, language learning blogs, writing styles, personal improvement and social dynamics skills.

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