A man with a laptop smiling- Etsy affiliate program-everything you need to know

Etsy Affiliate- Everything You Need To Know

Here's what we'll cover

Probably, this is not the first time you are hearing about the Etsy affiliate program. If it is, let me tell you what it is.

Etsy is an eCommerce site that allows creatives to sell their handmade products. On Etsy, you can find the most beautiful home decorations, jewelry, art pieces as well as other handmade products.

As you might have known,

Etsy also has a lucrative affiliate program, which is the subject of this post. If you’re looking to make some money through their affiliate program, this review will help you learn more about it.

Let’s dive right in.

Etsy affiliate program dashboard

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What Is the Etsy Affiliate Program?

The Etsy affiliate program is a rewarding system that the Etsy eCommerce site has. This program makes it possible for third-party website owners and bloggers to earn commission by promoting products that sell on the Etsy eCommerce site. 

Yes, it’s that simple.

This affiliate program benefits Etsy, the third party blogger or website owner, as well as the buyer.

How so?

Etsy gets to promote itself and the products on the site on other third party sites at zero to no cost at all. 

On the other hand,

Buyers are able to find products that they are looking for much more easily when they click on affiliate links that redirect to Etsy.

Lastly, you as the affiliate site owner earn a commission for the sale of a product. 

How Do You Join Etsy Affiliate Program?

The Etsy affiliate program is open for all third-party website owners who are looking to earn a commission for directing buyers to the Etsy eCommerce platform.

The potential buyer has to make a purchase for the affiliate site to earn a commission.  

To join the affiliate program, you need to first own a website from which you will redirect the traffic to Etsy. The niche of the website is not of concern provided it is not an advertising network.

However you should note that.

Affiliate marketers who use social media pages to promote affiliate links also do not qualify to join the affiliate program. 

If you meet the conditions above, the next step is to log on to the Etsy website and click on the affiliate option.

This option will redirect you to a page where you will need to fill in your information. You will also need to fill in the URL of your website.

The need for doing this is that Etsy needs to verify that your website is not a social media page and neither is it an advertising network.

The verification process will take a while and you will receive an email notification if the approval goes through or does not. 

If the approval fails to go through, Etsy will indicate why this happened. If it does go through, your affiliate link will generate and you can start sharing the same on your third party website. 

How Do You Earn As An Etsy Affiliate 

Here is the interesting part that you have been waiting to hear.

Once your Etsy Affiliate application goes through, you will now have an affiliate link that you can promote. Each affiliate link that you get has a 30-day cookie expiry.

A 30-day cookie? I can tell you for a fact this is fantastic. Why is this? A 30 day cookie is easy to track as compared to short term cookies. For example 7-day cookies. That’s a lot of work. Right?


To earn as an affiliate, you need to redirect a buyer to the Etsy website and that buyer has to qualify a purchase. Simply, the buyer has to make a purchase for you to earn through your affiliate link. 

The Etsy affiliate program offers commissions ranging between 4% and 8% of the value of the goods sold. The actual commission that you earn will depend on the product in question and how much it sells for. 

It is also a good idea to note that you will only earn a commission on the value of the product excluding the shipping costs and the VAT. Additionally, your earnings will cancel for any returned products. 

What Do You Get As An Etsy Affiliate?

When you work with Etsy as an affiliate, the main thing that you will benefit from is the commissions that you earn from buyers buying products that you promote.

However, this is not the only thing that you will benefit from as an affiliate on Etsy. Working as an affiliate also comes with other benefits. They are as follows. 

  • Affiliate Newsletters
  • Special access search on easy
  • Tracked Links To Any Etsy Products 
  • Access To The Etsy Blog 

Etsy Affiliate Newsletters

Once you become an affiliate on Etsy, you will receive periodic newsletters from their mailing list. 

These newsletters will keep you ahead of the competition by informing you of any new affiliate tricks and giving you tips for growing your earnings as well. 

Special Access Search On Etsy 

The Etsy eCommerce site endeavors to help its affiliates to continue growing their earnings. One way in which they make this possible is by allowing you the affiliate to have special access that enables you to search the website to find new products.

This access makes it possible for you to find new and exciting products that will be more appealing to your target audience and which can help your drive more qualifying buyers to Etsy through your affiliate links. 

Another advantage of becoming an Etsy affiliate is that you will have access to tracked links to any Etsy products.

Again, this allows you to monitor the quality of the traffic that you redirect to the Etsy website. The benefit of this is that you can then improve the target audience that you promote the affiliate link. 

Access To The Etsy Blog 

The Etsy blog is an important resource that helps sellers and affiliates alike learn how best they can improve their earning potential on Etsy.

By regularly visiting this blog, you will get tips that will help you become a better affiliate. Additionally, you will know how to source for the best products to promote through your affiliate site. 

As an Etsy affiliate, you should know about some legal considerations. Having the knowledge about this will help to boost your earning potential and also avoid any unforeseen legal consequences. 

A key thing to note is that.

You do not sign any contract when you join the affiliate program. This program is open for all people that qualify to join by meeting the threshold that Etsy sets. Each affiliate link has a 30-day cookie period

Secondly, Etsy maintains the right to cancel any affiliate links at any time and expel a particular affiliate from its affiliate program without any warning.

An Infographic showing Etsy affiliate program Review

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What does Etsy stand for?

This is an acronym which stands for Easy To Sell Yourself.

Which is better Shopify or Etsy?

When comparing the two stores, Shopify is more flexible, more scaleable and offers better eCommerce tools than Etsy.

How much does it cost to sell on Etsy?

It costs $0.02 to publish to the marketplace and the listing lasts for four months or until the listing is sold out. When the item is sold, 3.5% percent of the sales price is deducted.

What is an Etsy shop?

This is a global online market where people get together to buy and sell products.

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