A YouTube logo with a Subscribe graphic illustration next to it

How to Get More Subscribers on YouTube

Here's what we'll cover

Did you know that after Google, YouTube is the next biggest website in the multiverse? Yes, that is true. That is why we are going to take you through how to get more subscribers on YouTube.

Research shows that people across the globe spend about 1 billion hours each day watching videos on YouTube. This calculates to about 8.4 minutes per human per day!

With the widespread popularity of this video marketing channel, your subscriber count is certainly not another vanity metric.

The more subscribers you have, the better your chances of maximizing your organic reach and taking advantage of the numerous YouTube monetization features.

So, how do you ensure your video stands out from the endless libraries of video content and get YouTube subscribers by the multitudes?

We reached out to some of the most prominent YouTubers of all time, and here are the strategic tips they shared.

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Clean Up Your Channel

First things first,

You must do some serious housekeeping. Throw out those old, outdated, floppy, or poorly produced videos that will only give your viewers a wrong first impression.

One of the surefire ways to attract subscribers is by posing as a winning brand.

Here’s the deal; Jay Z looks great in suits and expensive watches. People will still think he looks angelic and legendary, showing up in public wearing pajamas and crooks.

Well, you are not Jay Z. Delete those videos that sell you out as a lesser brand and never look back!

Focus On Creating Highly Watchable Content

YouTube is full of garbage videos, and it’s easy to assume that you can get away with posting content that is nothing more than clutter.

Unfortunately, you can’t, unless you are Jay Z. If you want to stand out and grow your subscriber list, people should know that they can get the very best content on your channel.

Some pre planning is necessary. Before production you should:-

  • Do Your Research
  • Create Your Scripts Ahead Of Time
  • Invest In a Properly Equipped In-House Studio
  • Work On Your First Impression

Do Your Research

Find out what your competitors are doing with their videos and jot down important notes. Please don’t copy them. Just use their strengths to up your Youtubing game.

Create Your Scripts Ahead Of Time

I know you can wing it when the cameras are rolling. Even so, you cannot afford to miss out on the benefits of video scripting.

Take your time to write down what you want to say. Read the script over and over again, rewrite it, table it, reread it, and rewrite it until it can pass on your story in the most powerful way possible.

Invest In a Properly Equipped In-House Studio

You are possibly itching to ask whether you can afford the “right” equipment.

Well, you can. A simple, inexpensive DIY studio setup can do, and it is not necessary to make a major initial investment. That camera on your iPhone can suffice for a start. Buying a tripod and studio lights will, on the other hand, not cost you a fortune.

Depending on the type of video you want to create, you may need some audio equipment and perhaps a few props to make your simple background livelier.

You may end up spending a handsome amount of money, although these are all crucial investments that will ensure better video creation.

Work On Your First Impression

The first 10 seconds of your video ought to be the most memorable. According to world-renowned YouTubers, 20% of viewers lose interest and leave within the first 10 seconds of watching a video.

So how do you make an excellent first impression?

Start by introducing the most climactic part of your video instead of giving a bland introduction.

Let’s face it, about 90 per cent of the people watching your video don’t know you and possibly don’t want to know you until they are sure you have something exciting and important to tell them.

Starting with a bang makes them hang around long enough to like you and want to know you. It’s that simple!

Create A Captivating Channel Trailer

If you want to get YouTube subscribers, take advantage of channel trailers. This is a superb feature marketers use to grow their subscription base.

Because these short trailers automatically play when your channel visitors arrive, you need to make them instantly compelling and captivating.

Trailers should not last for more than a minute. In fact, you can even make a 30 seconds trailer.

The more beautiful, emotionally charged, hilarious, or impactful your trailer is, the more viewers and subscribers you are likely to attract.

Keep Your Videos Short

I’m sure you have something important to say. Even a whole 60 minutes are not enough for you to tell the world your good news.

However, it is best to keep your videos under 5 minutes.


Its pure science, online viewers have short attention spans. As I mentioned earlier, about 20% of them will leave if you fail to capture their attention within the first 10 seconds.

Expect another 20% to close your video the instant they realize it runs for a whole half an hour. There are proven ways to trim your YouTube videos without killing the message.

Add A Call To Action (CTA)

Inserting a CTA in a video is not as complicated as it sounds. YouTube offers easy ways for marketers to add end cards and end screens to their videos.

End screens allow you to give a call to action by pointing your viewers to your next video or promoting your website or business campaigns.

There are different elements to choose from, so you merely need to determine your goals.

YouTube end cards must be at least 25 seconds long. Just like end screens, you can use them to direct viewers to a different URL, show them your playlist or promote your channel.

In this case, however, your viewers need to press the “I” icon found at the right corner of the video for the end card to appear.

Optimize Your Channel For Search

Are your YouTube videos optimized to rank? Are they easily visible on search engines and YouTube search results? SEO for YouTube videos is somewhat technical, although there are a few best practices that can help you rank higher. They include:

  • Create searchable titles using popular keywords
  • Add video transcripts to target a wider audience
  • Optimize video descriptions using the most critical keywords to make them more engaging
  • Use Meta tags to add keywords into your videos and make them more searchable

Post Often And Consistently

This final tip is arguably the most important one. Yes, it takes some serious heavy lifting to get YouTube subscribers and keep the numbers growing.

Consistency is crucial, and nobody remains subscribed to channels that are hardly ever updated. Frequently updating your channel will also aid in increasing video engagement.

If you are on the budget, it is perfectly okay to keep it simple. The idea is to ensure you have a stress-free time managing weekly workflow.

How to Get More Subscribers on YouTube Infographic by Content Clerks

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How do you get subscribers on YouTube fast?

First Ensure that you delete old and irrelevant videos,Write great scripts and then don’t forget to produce some fire trailers for your videos.

How do you get subscribers on YouTube fast?

Yes, you can buy subscribers but it is expensive since a thousand subscribers costs between 30 to 50 dollars.

How can I promote my YouTube channel for free?

To ensure that you rank high, ensure that you use google friendly words, Use descriptive tittles, create custom thumbnails, fill out your platform, optimize your descriptions and ensure that you create high quality videos.

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