A graphic illustration of three women stretching: how to start a fitness blog

How To Start A Fitness Blog

Here's what we'll cover

If you have a passion for fitness, then you’re probably thinking about sharing that love of exercise with the world – and what better way to do it than with a fitness blog? Starting your fitness blog is a great way to practice what you love, connect with like-minded people, and share your experience. Moreover, the current market has given rise to a demand for fitness. For instance, it’s expected that the virtual fitness market will reach $56.23 billion by 2027, so there’s never been a better time to get started. However, starting a fitness blog can be challenging– especially for beginners. Therefore, we’ve put together the following simple steps to guide you on how to start a fitness blog.

Starting A Fitness Blog: The Steps 

Fitness blogging is a great way to build brand authority and gain exposure for your business. Moreover, you can share your expert knowledge and insights with a broad audience. As such, this can help you attract new clients and build credibility within the fitness industry. The following are steps on how to start a fitness blog that will ensure your blog is successful. 

Establish a goal for your blog

Any good fitness blog should have a goal or a purpose for existing. This guides the blog and keeps the content relevant to the audience. For example, you could create a fitness blog to advise clients. In this case, your target audience would be people looking for guidance with their fitness journey. Therefore, establishing your target audience is essential in setting goals for your blog to better tailor your message and ensure that your blog gives valuable content.

Pick a niche

Fitness blogs can cover everything from indoor training, fitness for beginners, personal training, outdoor circuit training, nutrition tips, clothing, and equipment, or workout and training advice. The key to finding your niche is discovering your passion. For example, if you’re interested in weight loss, then start a blog on weight loss diets or exercises. Choosing a niche will help you establish yourself as a credible expert. Consequently, you’ll attract the right audience who will relate to your content.

Choose your preferred blogging platform 

Free platforms like WordPress.com and Blogger are popular choices, as they’re easy to set up and don’t require any upfront costs. Moreover, they offer a large selection of themes and plugins and access to a wide range of support resources. The disadvantage is a limited control over design and functionality, as some features are only available to premium users.

On the other hand, self-hosted platforms like WordPress.org and Squarespace offer more flexibility and control and allow full access to all the features. Although, they come with a higher price tag and can be more challenging to set up and use. Therefore, it’s essential to weigh these carefully before deciding which platform is right for you. Ultimately, the best platform will depend on your individual needs and budget.  

A graphic illustration of two women stretching: how to start a fitness blog

Choose a domain name 

A domain name is the address people will use to find your fitness blog online. Without one, it would be impossible for readers to access your website. There are a few things to remember when choosing a domain name. First, try to keep it short and sweet. Long, complicated domain names are difficult to remember and type out. Second, avoid using numbers or hyphens. These can be confusing for users and make your site appear less professional. Lastly, make sure the domain name you choose is available – there’s nothing worse than finding the perfect name only to discover someone else has already claimed it! 

Pick a theme for your blog 

Choosing a suitable theme for your blog is more than picking a pretty design. A suitable theme will improve your website’s layout, design, and overall feel. Moreover, it can boost your SEO and make your blog more user-friendly. Therefore, ensure you pick a clean and modern theme with plenty of white space and easy-to-use features. In addition, ensure that the theme is fully responsive to all devices and should offer robust support for plugins and integrations. Fortunately, there are plenty of great themes available for fitness bloggers. A few of our favourites include Astra, Ultra, and OceanWP.

Create your content 

Now that you know how to start a fitness blog, you need to write blog posts that can capture the reader’s attention. Use the strategies below to create stellar blog posts.

  • Practice keyword research. This will help you determine the terms people search for in the fitness industry. Moreover, using targeted keywords on different pages on your blog means Google can rank you for those keywords, which brings you closer to your targeted audience.
  • Optimize your content through SEO. Optimization can help your blog post rank highly on SERPs and receive volumes of organic traffic.
  • It’s also essential to develop a content strategy for your blog. This will help you map out what kinds of content you want to create and when you want to create them. Consequently, it will help you stay on track and make the most of your time. 

Promoting Your Fitness Blog 

Part of understanding how to start a fitness blog is promoting it. You can do this through the methods shown below:

Using social media 

A few tips for using social media to promote your fitness blog include the following:

1. Use hashtags. When you use relevant hashtags, your blog post will appear in search results and be more likely to be seen by potential readers. Therefore, find trending Hashtags on your Twitter and Instagram accounts and use them in your post. 

2. Use visuals in your blog posts. Posts with images receive more engagement. Therefore use text overlay to improve your images’ effectiveness and create more visual posts with graphics and captured images. 

3. Engage with other users. Comment on other fitness-related posts, share valuable resources and start conversations. This will help build relationships with other users, make them visit your blog, and bring their following.

Sharing with family and friends 

When promoting your fitness blog, one of the best things you can do is share it with your family and friends. After all, they’re the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to say. Plus, by sharing your blog posts with them, you’ll get valuable feedback that can help you create better content. You can also encourage them to share your blog and posts with their friends to grow your network.

Influencer marketing 

Influencer marketing has numerous benefits. Some of these include increasing the credibility of your brand, attracting leads, and sales, and boosting traffic to your site. The key to successful influencer marketing lies in finding the right partner. Therefore, reach out to those whose followers represent your target audience for the best results. Also, before reaching out, try building a relationship with them and their audience. You can do this by linking their posts to your blog and mentioning them in your social media posts, guest blogging, or even interviewing them.

Email marketing 

Email is a powerful blog promotion tool. You can use it to engage with your audience and connect with industry experts. By building a list of subscribers, you can stay in touch with your readers and let them know whenever you have new content. In addition, it allows you to send targeted messages to specific segments of your list, making it easy to promote different types of content to various groups. Therefore, as you work through how to start a fitness blog, make sure to incorporate email marketing.

Using forums and groups 

When looking for forums and groups, try to find ones specific to your fitness niche. This way, you’ll be able to reach your target audience more quickly. Once you’ve discovered relatable forums, start participating in discussions and sharing your blog post links when appropriate. For example, when someone asks a question, and you have a post that answers it, encourage them to visit your blog to get the answers they need.  If you take the time to participate in the community and add value to the conversations, you’ll be more likely to see results with time.

Monetizing Your Fitness Blog

Another important aspect of starting a fitness blog is monetizing it. Besides, who doesn’t like an extra income? If you’re like most people then the following are great ways to monetize your blog, 

Offering premium content 

Once you’ve figured out how to start a fitness blog and established your credibility as a brand, you can provide value to your audience while generating income by giving them access to exclusive content at a small fee. Premium content can take many forms, such as offering training sessions, selling fitness e-books, or even one-on-one coaching.

Affiliate marketing 

Affiliate marketing allows you to make money by recommending fitness products and services to your readers. This is a great way to earn money, requiring minimal effort. All you need to do is register with Google’s ad program, find relevant products or services to promote, and then include links to the products or services on your blog. Therefore, you get a commission once your readers click on these links and make a purchase.

A graphic illustration of two women holding a rope and stretching: how to start a fitness blog

Google Adsense 

This program allows you to place ads on your site and earn money every time someone clicks on the ad. AdSense tailors advertisements to the layout, structure, and content of your blog. Therefore, this makes the ads highly relevant to your readers, increasing the chance that they’ll be clicked on. Moreover, it’s easy to set up and has no participation costs. 

Sponsored posts 

Sponsored post monetization is similar to affiliate marketing; however, instead of a single link or short review, you create an entire blog post on behalf of the company. To get started, you need to find a brand to partner with. While some businesses reach out to bloggers directly, you should also take the initiative to email brands and inquire about partnership opportunities. When looking for sponsoring brands, ensure their goals align with your target audience. Finally, we recommend being transparent to readers by telling them about the sponsored posts. 

Selling products or merchandise 

This can be anything from workout gear to nutrition supplements to e-books. Finding products that relate to your blog’s niche and audience is vital. As long as you’re offering quality content, you will get customers willing to pay you for your knowledge.  For example, you might sell running shoes if you have a blog about running. Alternatively, if your blog focuses on healthy eating, you could sell cookbooks or meal plans. Whatever you choose to sell, make sure it aligns with your blog’s mission and values. 


So, there you have it! A comprehensive guide on how to start a fitness blog. With knowledge on starting, promoting, and monetizing your blog, you’re well on your way to having a successful fitness blog. And if you need help along the way, don’t hesitate to contact us – we are here to help you create engaging content that converts your readers into customers. Nonetheless, stay motivated! Before long, you’ll see the results of all your hard work in your growing readership and excellent content. 

Thanks for reading! 

How do you create fitness content?

1. Identify your target audience
2. Write helpful quality blog posts
3. Optimize your content for search engines

What makes a fitness blog successful? 

A successful fitness blog focuses on the reader’s fitness problems and provides ways to solve them.

How much do fitness influencers make? 

A famous fitness influencer with over 5 million followers can expect to earn above $10,000 per Instagram post. Moreover, they can also earn revenue from their own YouTube channels or blogs where they post their fitness routines.

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