A hand holding a phone withn a number of apps displayed on the screen

How to Promote a Mobile App – A Simple Guide

Here's what we'll cover

The digital platform is evolving fast nowadays with the development of mobile apps. However, a mobile app must be promoted after development. In this article, we are going to know how to promote a mobile app.

But before we even start,

Here is a fun fact.

90% of Americans spend time on mobile apps more than they do on websites.

Yes, That’s right.

However, whether you are a business looking to make your customers’ experience better or an entrepreneur venturing into the app development business, you know that developing an app is not a simple task.

Reason being,It involves countless hours of coding, testing and refining to actually make an app that works.

Unfortunately, the work does not end once you have a working app. After the app is ready, you need to market it.

Marketing a mobile app takes almost the same amount of time developing it does.

If you do not market your app effectively, then those hours spent creating it will be a total waste.

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So which strategies can you use to market your app?

Here are some of the best ways to promote your app

Create A Website

As ironic as it sounds, having a website is your best chance at having your app downloaded.

If you do not have a website for your business, then create a landing page for the app.

The landing page should briefly describe what your app does and gives links where visitors can download it.

There are very good examples of landing pages that can act as inspiration for yours.


When creating websites or landing pages, many make the mistake of designing them for desktop viewing only.

You should Optimize your website for mobile from the start as this has been proven to drive more app downloads compared to other methods.

Further more, many people prefer using their phones to do almost every task.

Native banners are a popular method of getting your website’s visitors to download your app.

Smart banners are more recent and less annoying to your web visitors.

They appear at the top or bottom of your site and redirect to the App Store when the visitor clicks on Download. Smart banners recommend your app to your clients without impeding their ability to navigate your site.

Use Influencers

Whether your business is new or has a standing customer base, influencer marketing is definitely something you should do to promote your mobile app.

The first step to choosing an influencer is finding out if their interests align with what your app does.

For example, if you are promoting a health & fitness app, pick a fitness or health and wellness influencer.

This way, even if you do not have the budget to pay for their promotion if it works the way you promise they can still give it a shoutout.

There are many things that you should consider before picking an influencer.

One of them is your budget. If you are an established business, paying for an influencer should be included in your app marketing budget.

If this is your first app and you do not have a big budget, there are several tiers of influencers you can pick from.

Ensure that the values of the influencer you pick are aligned to your business’ for a successful app marketing campaign.

Use Your Social Media Pages

All through app development, testing and launching, you should be engaging your target market on social media.

Vet your audience’s appetite for the app. Show them why they need the app, answer their questions and encourage them to spread the news.

One of the first things you should do after getting your app running is create a short video that demonstrates how the app works.

You should have this video up on your website, on the app store and spread it on your social media.

Use targeted ads on the right platforms to maximize the reach of your app. Once your app is out there, keep track of reviews and repost positive reviews to encourage more people to download it.

Blog About It

Your blog is where you can really let loose and tell your audience everything about your app. You can engage your audience by telling them why you are creating the app: your motivation behind it, the process of developing it, and what you hope it achieves for them.

Remember to include links to the app store after each blog post so they know where to find it.

Remember to search engine optimize your blog posts to improve the chances of getting more visitors and more people to download your app.

Take your blogging game a little further by guest blogging for popular bloggers who write about similar things.

Write an interesting guest post that shows your expertise on the matter. This method can work well for you especially if you do not already have a blog or you have a blog that is not doing well.

When you do a guest post, you are allowed to promote your mobile app by adding backlinks to your app and your blog.

Use Your Email

You are probably already sending marketing emails to clients on your email list, so why waste the opportunity to talk about your app?

Whether you are running a big company or you are a sole entrepreneur, make sure you talk about your app in every email you send out.

Tell the recipient what the app does, include a call to action and provide links to the store where the app can be downloaded.

There are different strategies you can use to market your app via email: you can dedicate some emails to talk exclusively about your app, including links in every email footer or even include the links in your email signature.

Bonus Tip: Diversify!

Popular app stores like Google Play Store and Apple Play Store have millions of apps. Yours can get lost in the melee.

If you want to make it easier for users to access your app, try alternative app stores. Statistics show that getting your app on a less populated app store boosts the chances of it being downloaded by 200%.


Marketing your mobile app can, and should, take as much time as it did to develop it.

Fortunately, there are many ways you can market your app and you can do several of these at the same time.

Building a following on social media and among your customers is key even before launching the app. This way, you already have a market for your app.

And once people download your app and leave reviews, respond to them and take any recommendations seriously.

Nothing kills a marketing campaign faster than rude customer service who do not care about their clients.



How can I promote my mobile app for free?

The best way to do this is to start by setting a launching date, try some paid advertising, study your competitors, engage in massive pr campaign and then set up a website.

How do I create an app awareness?

You can do that using word of mouth, social media marketing, using email marketing and taking advantage of app store optimization.

How do I get customers to use my app?

To get customers to use your app, you must promote your app and demonstrate how the app works first. It must be aimed at solving a problem.

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